i love to laugh and smile
a pleasure to have in class
this is my website for fun stuff
check debug mode for a surprise
god bless you
if i ever think of something to put here i will
this is my gay love story
trigger warnings:

flashing lights
dyed hair
run-on sentences

proceed (find the blue letter)
:P isn't it time.. by nathan v.
everytime i look in the mirror i feel nauseous you could lose yourself you could take that risk what would you ask if you had one wish if you had the chance would you choose something
drop the hyphen?
and me too, right? :P
yeah, of course alex
why aren't these clickable
the m disappears?
window outside
the perspective's not right..
it's fine really don't worry about it
hey are you free tomorrow?
it's nice to work on this with you.
nice change of pace.
in another life we could just be doing this, you know?
'another life'?
yeah. one nicer, more comfortable. one by the river.
i mean, why would it need to be another life? we're doing this right now, aren't we?
well, it's not sustainable.
it's a nice thought. but if you think it too much you'll spend all this time thinking about this imaginary life that you forget about your actual life. the one where we're just, doing the things you're dreaming of doing.
you're right, i guess.
you've been away a lot.
i know, sorry. i just have a lot of plans.
i mean if you ever needed any help you know i'm always there. and you know i could help if it's the same stuff.
i don't - it's just something i need to do alone. it's nothing personal, just gotta focus.
i wasn't mad or anything. just worried.

i kind of missed you.
it's cold out here.
it is. do you wanna do this again sometime? but someplace else instead?
mm, i don't know. i like the cold.
i've got my eye on something again.
another abandoned?
oh? are we doing it?
and you're sure?
i'm sure.
your hair's faded a bit.
how does it look now?
it still looks good. a little less vibrant. it suits you.
how much longer do we have left?
not long, it's almost done. how do you feel about it?
it's cute. there's so little space in here though.
we'll steal a bigger car next time.
i missed you too.